Leaving a Legacy

The trustees of the Nonesuch Rowing Foundation share a long term vision for securing the future of UBBC. By pledging a gift to the charity in your will, you can contribute a truly meaningful and lasting legacy that will improve the lives of future generations of athletes.

Including a charity such as the Nonesuch Rowing Foundation in your will requires careful planning. For instance, the will should specify:

  • the name, address and registered charity number;

  • the amount or % share of the estate to be gifted;

  • any restrictions on how the gift can be used.

With this in mind, we recommend using a solicitor to ensure that your wishes can be accurately recorded in your will and carried out by your executors.

The details of the charity are:

Nonesuch Rowing Foundation, charity registered in England and Wales number 1190599, Saltford Rowing Centre, Bath Road, Saltford, Bristol, BS31 3JN.

Thank you for considering leaving a legacy gift to the Nonesuch Rowing Foundation.